Wednesday, April 1, 2015

TCC 5-4 Plickers:Device-less LRS

Thanks to Val Grace and Pam Williamson from Scranton Elementary School for sharing Plickers with us at Tech Cluster.
They showed us the cards which they had begun using and explained the concept . These cards solve the problem of not enough student devices. Only the teacher needs a device to scan the cards. is the website which is set up for classes that automatically assign students to the cards numbered 1-40 in the standard set. There is a library for questions to be offered to any of your classes in a click. The question sets only allow for multiple choice or true/false questions.
Once you are in class the teacher device controls what is shared with the class. Whatever is selected on it is fed to Live View in the menu. This page can be projected to show the question, answer choices, and results. Reports are also available.
The cards have a QR-like code that is unique to the student and it is held up to register the answer. Each edge of the square is marked with a small a, b, c, or d. The answer choice should be at the top when the card is held up. Cards are free to print at the site...or can be purchased on Amazon.(Stocking in April is the note.) Card stock and lamination makes them more durable, but a matte finished lamination film should be used since the gloss might make the card difficult to scan.
Scanning results registers the numbers/names of the cards so that any you missed may be added for a complete set of answers.
At this date the iOs apps are not available. The Android app works perfectly and I am sure the Apple devices will soon be up and going again.
Very Enjoyable!