Tuesday, May 24, 2016

TCC 6-2 Google Classroom Comes to Town

For 2016-2017 at least four schools (LCHS, REMJHS, JPTIS, and JCLES) will have Apps for Education accounts which allow them to use Classroom. So every student has a G-mail account...how does that work? Student id’s are related to their login in a private domain for their school. That domain is needed to be a Google Apps for Education school...the only users of Classroom. All student information can be restricted to that domain...even parents without accounts can’t view things unless they are shared in some other way, like a Google Group.
Google Drive provides storage for all student work. When using Classroom folders are even set up automatically for your classes and for your student work. Work can be done on any of Google’s applications: Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, and My Maps. Not only these, but photos, PDFs and videos can be stored in Drive., and other formats (Office) can be viewed and edited. Students can use Android, iOs, or Windows devices to participate. My Maps and Sites can also be used as alternative ways to make presentations.