Thursday, March 26, 2015

TCC 5-4 Classroom Tech Infusion: QR Codes in the Classroom

QR codes are everywhere, but did you know we can use them in class? The code at the bottom of the page is for a website with many good ideas and lots of Pinterest board links with additional helps.
One of our student entries for National History Day (NHD) had added information with URLs which were viewable when  QR codes are scanned with the iPad that was provided at the display. For those who always say “ I don't have enough technology for this,” here are some obvious options: 
Chrome Extensions
· provide the tool at the station.
· use in groups.
· with permission from administrators allow student devices.
· Invite adults/parents with devices
Another option that works when the QR Codes are stored online is Chrome extensions. The Chrome browser has this option which can be added for free at the Chrome Web Store. I use 2 different ones: right-click QR code reader and QR Code Generator. These enable you to make and add URLs to a document for students to follow using codes instead of links. You use the right-click extension to draw a square around the code and a small window appears with the URL which you click ok on. These documents can be stored in our school website file manager or in Google Drive or you can add the codes to a webpage within your teacher pages or a wiki or blog. Any page with a place to insert a picture will do.
For other options, use them to add interactivity to parent nights. You can post information in the form of codes in your room linking to student work or information that they can save to phones. Several of the generator apps will allow you to make a code with text messages so you aren’t limited to websites or online things for your displays. The project above sends viewers to videos of Washington crossing the Delaware and his speech at Newburgh.
One tip I saw at this helpful site added code to textbooks for related video tutorials. Or if you don't want to scan. Link 

As always, enjoy!