Wednesday, February 11, 2015

TCC 5-3 Augmented Reality 3

National History Day is looming on the horizon. While enjoying this year’s crop I am again reminded of some tools that might enrich the displays with more action. The most mundane would be the inclusion of QR codes with additional information  for those with smart phones or an iPad  provided.
But a  major step up from that is adding an Aura.  Picture triggers would allow for video to be added to a display. The tool I have used is
Aurasma. It has been featured here before in editions 3-2 and 4-2.
There are two main sites (free) for this tool. And an App is necessary to read the Aura. But both IOS and Android  devices are usable although webpages can be accessed in IOS. is the site which features Auras already made including many triggered by places such as the Eiffel Tower, or the White House. Other uses are for businesses which may have their storefront as an Aura which gives business information. My interest is as an educational tool. My 3-2 article gave some examples so I won’t redo that aspect. Since NHD brought this on how about ways to add Auras in a project. Some of our projects are: Bethune-Cookman University, FDR, and Betty Friedan. A photo used on the display boards of these could lead viewers to videos done by the researcher or clips used for educational purposes to enhance material without using valuable display space. Or the Aura could lead to a website with additional information. Or to original videos of interviews with experts.
The site that makes this possible is
Arasma Studio where you can add your extras to your trigger image.
About the time of my first article the logo of the company/site changed. It was a less customized letter A in a different color. I think this is its last iteration for awhile.
The other tool from 4-2’s article was LAYAR. I have not used this tool yet, but it seems similar.