Wednesday, January 7, 2015

TCC 5-2 Classroom Tech Infusion: Digital Project Tools

Students usually begin their projects with Power Point presentations. In our case we are looking at Google Sheets, but same idea. What if instead of the themes we usually use we look for a template instead? Google Drive has changed, but old friends are still around...the template above came up when I Googled "template gallery." It was the first one on the link for Docs even though it uses Sheets.
All you have to do is add your text and photos and you are done. There is an additional page which I didn't use. Mine is a little lite on information, but the booklet feel gives and entirely different impression from themes in the software. As you can see Drive gives you the ability to embed your product on a webpage.
I used clip-art from Phillip Martin who allows educational use of his work for free. They have transparent backgrounds so they look different from the original photos in the template.