Thursday, January 29, 2015

TCC 5-2 Classroom Tech Infusion: Digital Project Tools, Part 2

Here are some more ideas for student project alternatives.
Surveys in Google Forms or Survey Monkey: Gathering opinions has never been easier. Both Google Forms and Survey Monkey are platforms for creating a survey with multiple question types which have unique URLs which can be provided to your target audience .Single question polls can be done for group members in Edmodo. All of these allow you to gather data for independent research.

One reason many teachers don’t do video presentations is fear of embedding. Teachers can set up a class channel on YouTube for student produced videos for free and set as private. This relieves you of having to learn how to embed videos on a class page. Your students can make a commercial, book review, read poetry, can think of more examples than I can.

The following are summaries from sites I follow with links to the posts.

Student Video Production
is another platform for presentation. ED Tech Teacher has this page with directions, tools and lots of ideas for projects (at bottom).

“When used carefully, social media can be a useful tool rather than a also helps bridge the digital divide among lower income students."  Using Social Media isn't always welcomed by schools, but can be. This post on Edudemic looks at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogging, and Instagram, All are discussed and links are provided for a closer look at them. There is some privacy advice at the end of the post suggesting parent permission slips and setting all to private so that you control your student‘s audience. Then their work is only seen by those invited. Another use for the post would be ideas on how you can use the projects on more familiar social media alternatives like Edmodo or other LMSs mention in the main article on page one.

As always, enjoy!