Thursday, January 29, 2015

TCC 5-2 Cindy's LInks

Don’t forget Symbaloo! We looked at webmixes a while back. Remember, they are a visual bookmarker. Here are some I have recently stumble upon: Vocabulary Spelling City, Word Games, Science Songs, Bancos de Imagenes, Creating Online Content, Tuesday Tutorial, Thursday Did You Know, and Research Resources.
Instagrok an educational search engine tested in a real classroom by a real teacher, Ann Elliott, for Edudemic. Her post mentions that students are greatly helped by the concept map of finds. It is also available as an app in Edmodo.
A couple of math sites that might be helpful:
Hungry Teacher and Manga High. Manga High is a game site with higher level math skills than most which Christy Evans shared earlier this year. Hungry Teacher is a project site that is complete with standards. And one for the ELA teachers so I am not showing bias: which posts free online leveled reading practice in English.
More Alice Keeler:
Google Sheets Rubric Template offers a rubric that can be  copied and modified. And since our monthly Tech Cluster for January is on this site...ClassDojo Builds Realtionships. And in the hopes that Twitter will become our tool, Twitter Tip: Start Your Tweet with a Period.