Thursday, May 15, 2014

TCC 4-5 Infographics and Informational Text

A picture is worth a thousand words and in this case will save that many. SCPASS adds Informational Text to the reading requirements. Although this seems like a glog it actually has a different data a more interesting format.
You can find them everywhere, but your students can also make them. There are many tools for making infographics. is one I have tried. Another is, Piktochart, which is mentioned in an Edudemic blog post with an example showing how-to’s by Mia MacMeekin.
The rest of this list come from another blog post from Education Technology and Mobile Learning Please go to the article there for description or follow the links to the sites. Blog links in Cindy’s Links
What About Me is an Intel tool which makes a graphic of digital life. This is part of their teacher community and might need membership before you can use it., but I can’t get to it since I am not logged in at the moment. We offer Intel's Essentials course in our district, and they have great interactive tools which a project based learning friendly.
